cyber crop SBC

and this weeks SBC CHallenge.

live life as if it were a daffodilly

I have been tagged by the fabulous Jen and she thinks I ROCK! That is a really nice thing to read thank you Jen and I think that you rock as well. The Rockin' Girl Blogger idea originated from Roberta Ferguson she thought it would be nice to "tag" people who you think are inspirational, funny, kind, or sweet. It works like this ... you have to give her credit, put up the badge and finally, add 5 other rockin' girl bloggers to the list.Here are my Rockin' Girl Bloggers :
Ms Nick

live life as if it were a daffodilly

SBC - August week 2

live life as if it were a daffodilly

this is a layout for a colour comp, using all scraps and
leftover embelishments from the last 12 months.

live life as if it were a daffodilly

August week 1 sbc

this is a working clock i created showcasing the last 12 months of my life

live life as if it were a daffodilly

week 5 july sbc

live life as if it were a daffodilly